Saturday, August 10, 2013

My Boys Are Here!!!!

Our boys arrived Friday morning, August 9th at 7:23 and 7:25. Baby B immediately went to the NICU for respiratory issues. Baby A went to nursery, but shortly followed his brother to the NICU for same issues. They are and have been on the CPAP machine to stimulate breathing. They cried immediately upon being born, but shortly thereafter needed assistance an were using to much energy to try to breath. 

Even though I was somewhat out of it during my surgery, there was nothing more sweet than hearing their first cries. I spilled many tears of joy and my cup was overflowing. Even though I knew I knew in wouldn't get to hold them, I was so grateful that we were finally at a place where I was hearing our babies crying! How could I complain?!? 

This is common for c-section babies/twins at 36 weeks. A vaginal delivery helps to squeeze excess fluid out of the lungs and a c-section does not. 

I have only been able to hold them once and see them twice because I have had a very difficult and at times a little dicey 24-36 hours. I will write about the things that happened to me later when have more time. Summary: became pre-eclamptic early this week, hemorrhaging after c-section secondary to uterine atony. This is more common in twin pregnancy because uterus is so much larger. I was bed bound until Saturday late morning. 

They have mostly remained stable, but requiring a good amount of support. Baby B has actually surpassed Baby A, where Baby A is now the one they are watching more. They were both unable to spend much time on their backs because less energy is used to breath when sleeping on belly. They have become a little jaundice. 

As of yesterday, our neonatologist was going to do trial off CPAP. I will find out this morning if this is sill true

As I was writing this and pumping I called down to the NICU and they both are more jaundice, Baby B is getting a new IV, and they had to be back on their bellies most of the night to sleep. They still have high respiratory rates and requiring support. I'm still hopeful that we will be able to remove CPAP and they will tolerate. I started balling when she told me baby B had to get a new IV because his had blown. I think this morning is the first day I have felt well enough to really put my mind around our new babies and getting into full mommy mode. 

First liquid gold. 

Baby A: first visit

Baby B: first visit. 

Don't mind the man hands, I'm literally swollen from head to toe. 

Baby A- opens his eyes a lot and turns to my voice. We got a little glimpse of his face while changing out his CPAP mask. 

Baby B: found his hand to help hold his passy. 

Baby A: with my sister. 

Baby B: with my sister.

Hopefully, when we get to see their faces we can finalize their names. I promise Baby A and Baby B is not their new trendy names! 

Baby B: resting.