Thursday, August 1, 2013

34 Weeks With My Boys!!!

The only way we can get photos together sometimes.
34 Weeks!!!

July 18th, 2013

Symptoms: This was my last week of work and thank goodness. I am on my feet running from room to room seeing multiple patients. For example, on Tuesdays I would see anywhere from 25-40 patients. It isn't not only the physical part, but the mental! My brain is slower and I have to use 3 x the energy to answer the same question. It is crazy. It started taking me like 3 days to recover from one day of working. I do wear a maternity support belt that I bought for $34 dollars at Pea in a Pod.  Here is the link if anyone is interested in one.

I wear it when I stand for long periods or exercise. It is not comfortable to wear while sitting. Most importantly it is easy to take on and off and it is not HOT! I believe it really does help while exercising as well. When I take the belt off, specifically after exercising, I notice how heavy my uterus actually is. It really provides good back support which is great for obvious reasons. I probably would have never bought one unless my mother told me to. After all these years, she has pretty much been right about everything so I thought I better listen. :)

Me pretending to sleep in my super comfy nursery chair while Rocy works in the nursery. Being a supervisor is just one of the many benefits of being really pregnant! Twins just gives you that much more excuse.

Exercise: CrossFit! I actually went to a community wide Girls Night Out that our gym was hosting. Even though I am not my best at 6:30 at night I am glad I went, it was a blast. There were a few other pregnant girls there as well!
Belly Circ: 38.5 inches
Weight Gain: 33.5

Ultrasound: Well, against the odds Baby A has decided to flip back vertex. He is now head down. I was totally shocked. They are both looking to my right. Baby B hasn't moved the entire pregnancy. He is stretched out with his head by my ribs and feet down and to the left in his brother's space. No wonder Baby A can't get comfy. Baby A now has his head down with bottom all the way to my right side and legs up, but he is more in a V shape. My doctor was even surprised that they had turn. So a regular delivery is possible again. We shall see. Baby A profile below. Baby B was hiding his beautiful face....again.

More belly pics. I hope I don't regret these as I continue to blossom. Blossom just sounds better. 
Pregnant belly just cracks me up!

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