Thursday, August 1, 2013

30 Weeks With My Boys!!!!

30 Weeks!

June 20th, 2013

Symptoms: Well, I turned 34 today and what a wonderful gift I have been given. My parents came down to celebrate at Wild Fork. Our boys are still healthy and growing. We have a family group text with my cousins and my sister made a statement, "Natalie, you were meant to carry twins".  I thought to myself, yes I was. The Lord knew before history began that I would carry twin boys and I was made to do this. I started crying because I felt very special. This plan was set in motion before I was even born. It really made me stop and think... this is why we need not worry, but trust in God's perfect plan for our lives. Why worry about something that is going to happen when it is going to happen. I am so glad that the Lord taught me this lesson because I know I will need this as a new mother!

My maternity pics are scheduled for tomorrow!

We also had our birthing class and it was really fun even though I didn't really learn anything new. I know Rocky learned a few things. ;-) Maybe a couple he had wished he never learned. Out of the 15 couples present we were they only ones pregnant with twins. There were 12 boys and 4 girls. I was shocked!! Below is us after our class. We take photos of everything, big and small. We just try to cherish every part of this journey that we thought might never happen. It is so much fun!!!

Photos after class in the parking garage at St. John with our goody bags!

Belly Circ: 37 5/8
Weight Gain: 28 lbs

Ultrasound: Last week at our 29 week ultrasound baby A deicided to go breech. Dang! He has been head down the entire time. I guess he was sick of his brother kicking him. So, if nothing changes we will plan on a c-section. I pray he turns, but it seems unlikely given that space is a hot commodity in there. Either way, we are so grateful to have healthy babies so it does not matter. If I had my choice I would prefer to go into labor on my own and deliver both vaginally. However, that is just a preference and we have zero control over these things. I cannot control it, so I cannot worry about it! We had another growth scan on today. Baby A weighed 3lbs 2oz with heart rate 135. Baby B weighed 2lbs 15oz with heart rate 141. Baby A's head was bigger than his brother, but Baby B had a bigger belly. I cannot wait to see if this stays true when they get here. My nephew had a bigger head and I just love a good size noggin on a baby! LOL I have had cervical checks for a couple weeks now. Cervix is soft, but no dilation.

Wait, I'm not ready...
30 Weeks



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