Monday, April 23, 2012

IVF #2 - Embryo Transfer Day

April 23rd, 2012

 I had to go to work today and somehow cram 2 days’ worth of work into one. I went 90 to nothing up until 2:25pm. It felt great though, because it kept my mind off the transfer. Having to change my work schedule last minute is always a burden on your co-workers, but I tried to make it as easy as possible on them. They have been so wonderful about the entire process. Working part time also helps.

 Besides being revved up from work, I felt great! All of my worry and anxiety from yesterday was gone. They did give me a Valium to help me relax during the procedure, so I am sure that didn’t hurt. ;-) When we arrived, Rocky and I took several photos in the waiting room, trying to document each step. We first met with our doctor in her office. She showed us the day 5 development of our little babies. The 2 we were going to implant had made it to the blastocyst stage and were rated: BLST 3BB. AA is the best grade, but my doctor said that the embryologist never gives a perfect grade so basically BB is the best score he gives. A good example of this is the APGAR score. Most babies never get a 10, even if they are perfect! This made me feel really good.

 There were 3 that had not made it to blastocyst stage and she was going to give them one more day to get there. Freezing, formally known as cryopreservation, has better success if they get to the blast stage first. The others would likely be frozen this afternoon. However, we will be saving all embryos that are alive no matter what grade they give them. We are just trying to give them the best shot at becoming children. It was funny because I was lying on the table when the embryologist came in and my doctor was informing him on our desires. I blurted out; we want to save any that are ALIVE no matter what. I didn’t want any confusion on this! It is the lower grade ones that may not be viable or implant, but that is for God to decide.

 They took me back and prepped me for the procedure and you have to have a full bladder. It wasn’t that bad. I was afraid my bladder wasn’t considered full because I actually had gone to the bathroom at 2:15, but they said it looked great! So, I was not that uncomfortable. As I was laying on the table waiting for the doctor, they handed me a photo of my two embryos and it was magnificent. I was glowing!!! When my doctor was perfectly ready to inject the embryos, here comes the embryologist with the tiniest catheter that was holding our angels. It was so crazy to see how tiny it was. They were suspended in fluid inside the catheter. CRAZY!!! I also got to see the white flecks in my uterus that were my babies via ultrasound. They looked so cozy in their home. They weelly wiked it in there. I hope it is no vacation home. I looked at them and said, “Hi friends”. I wasn’t crying, oddly enough. I think I had done enough of that yesterday. I was simply elated. I was cherishing every second.

I laid flat in recovery for 30minutes. The time just flew by. Rocky was so excited to see the photo. I came home and fell asleep for an hour. I think the valium did me some good after this whirlwind day. It would have been hard for Rocky to keep me glued to the couch otherwise. I think they were a little surprised I worked all day. I would rather work until the moment, and be able to relax afterwards. We went to celebrate by eating, of course! It was just a great day. I fell at peace today. No anxiety. Yay!

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