Tuesday, April 24, 2012

IVF #2 - The Day After...I'm Outta here!

April 24th, 2012

 I woke up this morning, bright and early, thinking about my embryos that were still in the lab. I prayed for each one of them. I prayed that The Lord would do with them as He pleases. I prayed that He would makes the ones grow that He wanted to live, and take the ones home that He didn’t want me to have. Whatever was still alive by this morning, they would freeze. I was dying all day to know what their status was. I wasn't even focusing on if I was pregnant or not. Finally, I received a call this afternoon letting me that only 3 had made it to freeze. The other 2 didn't make it. We gave them the best chance at life and that was not what God had intended for them. They were all they were meant to be. 

 We are so thrilled to have 3 left to freeze, which means 5 out the 7 made it. Yea!!! I am leaving tomorrow to go on a girls trip with my mom, sister, grandmother, cousin Micah, Aunt Michelle, Simone( Micah's 7 month old), and of course.... Radcliffe! I'm so grateful to have this trip. I will be gone the entire wait for my pregnancy test. This trip was planned long before this IVF cycle. God is good and had each day planned perfectly. Thank you to each one of you for you words, prayer, encouragement, and support. God has used them in more ways them you will ever know. So, THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart!!! So, now we wait! :-).

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