Thursday, April 5, 2012

IVF #2 - Repeat...Here We Go Again

 April 5, 2012

  The last update I was pretty sure that the cycle would fall towards the mid/end of the month like it did in February. I had been given some tentative embryo retrieval dates, and really thought that it would not work out this month. Like I said before, I was not going to cancel my upcoming trips. I was told to call the clinic at the start of my next cycle. I gave the timing directly over to the Lord, which meant not calculating dates on my part. I told the Lord that if it was supposed to work out this month, it would. I really had shifted my emotions to waiting until the end of May to start again. Honestly, I was a partly relieved. I felt like I could breathe again and save the emotional roller coaster for another day. I shifted my focus on what I have today. I had a couple people look at me like I was crazy for not cancelling my trips, but for me, I knew I was doing what the Lord wanted me to do- trusting Him with every detail. I mean He created time, I think He is capable of handling this.

 March 12th came with the start of my new cycle. The IVF coordinator told me that the first baseline appointment was on April 2nd. I was totally shocked, and then totally freaked out. I began to feel overwhelmed and ill-prepared. I had prepared myself to wait. It took me about 3 days to get my emotions under control and shift my thoughts to starting this arduous process again. Then, of course, I began to second guess if I was really was supposed to start. The Lord made it pretty clear. Like I said before, the Lord often talks to me through numbers. I know that the Lord wants us to know His will so He talks to us in ways we can hear…if we are listening. We had just sold some furniture 3 days before, on a total whim, for close to the same amount that it would cost to replace the medications that I used last month.  I was overwhelmed and I knew that this was our next step, and that the Lord was with us. I had so many thoughts going through my head. Up and down emotions. I just cannot handle the heartache again. Will it be different? Worse? I do not even imagine myself pregnant anymore because it seems too far away, too far in the future, and too upsetting when it doesn't happen. It has basically been 39 months since we first started trying. People are generally so excited for you when you are doing IVF and it is so nice that at least someone is excited. I do not know how it is for other people, but I am generally not that excited about doing it. I am just neutral. I think it is probably directly proportional to how long you have been trying. When you have not been trying for that long you have such high hopes that this month will be different. After a few years of disappointment, you are become very cautious with your excitement because it can lead to unnecessary heartache. I want to be pregnant, but I know that may not be God’s plan, I must stay grounded in that reality. I can honestly tell you that I have never felt better when I stay grounded in today.

 Thank the Lord that we know this is what God had planned for us; otherwise the amount of second guessing with every little decision would be more than I could handle. Because even if the outcome is poor, I know we are on this road for a reason. I have a peace that there is a greater purpose than pregnancy alone. I have found out the hard way that I might as well enjoy being the passenger because the Lord is driving anyway. No sense in fighting it, it just makes the trip a lot longer and harder. I feel like I am truly enjoying all the life around me today. Now, I am not saying that I do not have very bad days, anxiety, fear, sadness, and worry. All of these things come and go, but I do not live there; and I try to quickly shift to the positive. I was already a crier, but now I can cry at literally anything. It doesn’t matter what it is. And now, when I start crying, I cannot stop. It is so strange. I try to avoid anything that I know will definitely make me cry…movies, TV shows, etc. I cling to all things comedy these days. It actually really helps. I just do not have the time to cry anymore, much less the energy to recover from the cry hangover!   

 I do want to give a little props to my husband who is always so excited and encouraging every step of the way. He helps me every day with all the little things that seem to stress me the most-whether it is feeding the cats, fixing the coffee, unloading the dishwasher, etc. He is always so sympathetic to my emotions, moods, and simply not feeling good. I am so grateful for this! Thank you Rocky! 
 We were definitely going to use a different protocol because my RE thought that the 1st protocol was too suppressive for me. The long Lupron protocol is the most commonly used in normal healthy women because, from what I have read, it has the best outcomes. Me being a poor responder, it appears to have suppressed my ovaries too much. The new protocol I will be using for my second cycle is referred to as the antagonist protocol using Ganirelix. So, now we will actually use my own stimulating hormones (endogenous), plus the same synthetic hormones I used last time- Follistim. Ganirelix is a GnRH antagonist and will block the pituitary from signaling the ovaries to ovulate prematurely. Ovulating prematurely in IVF is very bad! Usually always results in cycle cancellation.

 When the time came to actually decide about going forward with this cycle again, I started to feel overwhelmed. What was the right decision? I had so many unknowns, too many to list. My nature is to over analyze the life out of every little detail! Each time I started feeling overwhelmed I would eventually stop and say, "take away the worry Lord, it is in Your perfect hands". I would literally have to make myself think about anything else, but this. I will just come up with something totally random to take my mind of IVF. There was no amount of thinking that was going to change the outcome. All of my “over analyzing” was really attempt to try to predict/control the future, or see if somehow I could increase my odds of pregnancy. Basically, it was the opposite of faith and trust. It is funny how this is not even possible. I have to literally visualize myself handing “it” over to Him. I think this helps me to actually walk away from whatever “it” is. I already had my questions answered with regards to moving forward. I trusted my doctor’s decisions. I knew I was where I was supposed to be, so if I trusted God, I had to give over the rest. I am not saying in any way to not research, or ask questions. Duh! But, I am acutely aware when I cross over into control/anxiety/worry/fear zone. I think we all know if we want to be honest with ourselves. I think we often try to put a different label on it so we feel justified in continuing our existence in these zones. I am learning to spend less and less time there. What a complete waste of life.

 I have to be completely honest; I did have a total emotional breakdown last night (April 4th). I was wigging out about every little thing that I had to do. I was emotionally, mentally, and physically exhausted. I was complaining/crying about the laundry, feeding the cats, cleaning out the coffee pot, transferring the wet clothes to the dryer, the cushions on the couch, etc. I mean I lost all control. I told my husband that I wasn't going to make it. Slight exaggeration, but in that moment I had no strength. It is amazing how a little/big breakdown can really make you feel better. I woke up this morning feeling great! I will never understand it. I am such a Type A perfectionist that it is very easy for all the little daily tasks around me start to drive me absolutely crazy!  I want them all done immediately and perfectly. I can't relax until they are done! This is a huge weakness of mine. Some days I just wish I could ignore some things and realize it is not that important and it will be there tomorrow. This is definitely a work in progress. Either way I am feeling much better today.

 OK back to IVF. I started birth control pills on March 14th, and ordered my meds on March 21st. It is always a bad day when I order the meds. I don't know why. Maybe it is because it makes it official. Prior to this I tell myself that I can always back out if I want to. Buying the medications kind of seals the deal. Both times I have told the pharmacy lady I will have to call her back; I call Rocky and cry about it for about 5 minutes. Get all of my complaints about how I wish this was free, waa waa waa, etc. They always seem a little perplexed when I tell them I will call them back to order in about 30 minutes. LOL 

 On a positive note, the Lord worked out the timing so perfectly. I will be completely finished with the entire cycle days before my 1st trip. The doctor I work for will be out of town the week that my 2 procedures will likely fall on. Fortunately, I did not spend one minute worrying about the timing, or being sad that I would have to skip a couple months. The Lord has the timing of our lives worked out to the T. All we are required to do is submit to His will. The hardest thing I have had to learn is to discern when I am trying to take over the Lord's job. He does NOT need my help. We have a hard enough time doing what He has given us to do. There are two parts to this, learning to discern when I have tried to become God and actually changing the behavior. The latter is much more difficult, but it is a MUST if you want to live with freedom, joy, purpose, and victory. 

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