Thursday, April 19, 2012

IVF #2 - Fertilization Day

April 19th, 2012

 I slept in until about 9am. It was wonderful! I immediately called my PRN line, but of course it was too early. I knew this was probably the case, which is why I had the courage to call. As it got closer to 10am, the less I wanted to call to hear my message. I decided to get completely ready, and make my coffee and breakfast before I would call again. I stared at my phone for what felt like a lifetime, it was actually only about 15 minutes. I just didn’t want to call. I was scared to hear to the news. I thought, “What will I do if I hear that none fertilized?” I finally called and each second felt like forever. The message stated that I had 13 eggs, no ICSI was performed, and 7 fertilized.  Right when I heard the word “no”, I went numb all over. Thankfully this was follow by the above statement. For that brief moment, I thought they were about to say “no eggs fertilized”. As I hung the phone up, I began to cry. I was totally shocked, relieved, and thrilled all at once. I really cannot explain how I felt. After so many struggles, it felt like such a huge victory. I was so grateful to God that He had allowed them to fertilize. I am very aware of situations when a couple has multiple eggs retrieved, and for whatever reason, none fertilize. I was very aware that this was a possibility. God is so good to give me this gift today. 

 Even if this cycle does not end in pregnancy, or birth, I know that I can at least get to the stage of fertilization. This is a huge milestone for us. This is by far the furthest we have ever made it. If none would have fertilized it would have been devastating, not just for this cycle, but for what it could me in general. I know that there is still a long way to go, but I am so grateful for this, today. I cried for about the next hour. My emotions were so strong I thought I was going to vomit. I didn’t even finish my breakfast, which never happens. I still can’t believe that there are 7 that made it to fertilization. I called my husband, barely able to speak and said, we have 7 little babies growing right now. He thought something was terribly wrong because when I said hello I had been crying so hard. He said his heart sank into his stomach, but it quickly went back into place! We are so thrilled. God is good! Thank you so much for all of your kind words and prayers. It has carried me through. Each day I will get an update on their progress. I love the waiting game, but as long as I am still waiting then something is still happening!

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