Saturday, April 14, 2012

IVF #2 - Stim Day 9

April 14th, 2012

Stimulation Day # 9 – Same regimen. FSH BID, Ganirelix and dexamethasone in the morning.

 I just got home from my ultrasound this morning. My doctor’s partner was on call for the weekend, so he did my ultrasound. Right ovary is the same, but at least they will probably be able to get a couple from that stubborn little thing. My left ovary is progressing and he said there are several that are clumped together. There are a few that were already big, so we will probably ignore those, and focus on the group that is measuring around 14mm. He couldn’t tell me a whole lot because the E2 lab values add a lot to the entire picture, and they do not come back until the afternoon. I feel like my estrogen levels are good this time, which is really important. The E2 levels tell them how well the follicles are developing. My E2 levels on day #7 were already double from what they were at that time last IVF cycle. I was very happy when I left my appointment.

 I do not really know if anything is really any different, but it definitely looks like I will make it to retrieval this time so I am excited about that. He said from first look he thinks I need a few more days of stimulation medication. I think I am a slower responder, most women usually only need stimulation medication for around 9 days. My lining was a triple layer which is most important even though it was a little on the thinner side, at 6.72mm. He would like it to be close to 8 at this point, but he wasn’t that concerned…And neither am I. I felt like I could finally get a little more excited about the whole process. Yea!!!

PRN line- P4: 1.36; E2 levels were 2921! Woo Hoo!! They double since Thursday, which is what we want! I graphed out my follicles sizes from Thursday to today, and several really grew to make up the clump of 14mm friends we have now. They should about 2mm per day. Yesterday I could almost feel my estrogen levels rise. I had a feeling that they would definitely be higher. My muscles and joints ache very badly yesterday. Tylenol just doesn’t cut it! My little friend, Ibuprofen, was just calling out my name…take me- but I didn’t!  It is very likely I will trigger on Monday. Trigger shot is the hCG shot that will be given around midnight. The hCG hormone is actually the pregnancy hormone, the one that becomes positive in a pregnancy test. I know most of you know this, but just in case. J This induces ovulation approximately 36hours after the shot is given. This would set my retrieval for Wednesday the 18th. I will know for sure on Monday. Yea! I feel very good about all of this. Of course, I wish we had more in that right ovary, but quality over quantity Lord!

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