Friday, July 12, 2013

24 Weeks with My Boys!

24 Weeks!

May 9th, 2013

1st photo of us prego together!
My sister flew in for a few days last week to help me register. We registered at Babies 'R' Us, Peek A Boo Baby, Amazon, and RH Baby and Child. Peek A Boo is my favorite baby boutique and if you haven't been enter at your own risk! I have been to register with all my friends, cousins, and sister many times. I felt so blessed for it to be my turn. Going last has it perks because I have learned a lot over the past few years.

I also found out that week that I will be be an Auntie again! My sister just had this feeling that she needed to take a pregnancy test, she did, and there was that faint pink line! I think she was in shock because her 2nd son Winston is only 10 months old and she is still breast feeding some. Listen, when it comes to getting pregnant, all she has to do is think the word! Which is such a blessing and we are so excited! Five grandchildren, 4 boys and 1 unknown, in 3 years. Oh how fast things change! I have some pics of us being pregnant together for the 1st time below. We couldn't leave out Rosie the Riveter, I just love her!

23 weeks and 4 weeks.
Baby Bumps!

Registering at Peek-A-Boo

There was a slow progression of more bathroom breaks, leg cramps, fatigued legs, indigestion, and less comfortable sleep. I have also noticed that I have to eat smaller meals. The days of eating everything under the sun are over. My sister told me to enjoy eating what I wanted because there will come a time when you can't! She was right and glad I took her advice when I could. I think my time came a little sooner than I expected. The 2nd trimester honeymoon phase is significantly shorter with twins! Now, I am not complaining because I am so grateful for how well I have been doing. I have a few friends who were already on bed rest at this point. I just thought I would blog about the symptoms so if there is another twin mom out there. I have enjoyed reading other twin mom's journeys through pregnancy.

Last Sunday I had a significant increase in bladders spasms and lower uterine stretching/sharp pains. These pains lasted only for the day. Bladder spasms and increased bathroom breaks are probably here to stay.

Exercise: CrossFit, Running. I ran in the Cinco de Mayo 5K last Saturday with my twin boys! I wanted to do it under 30 minutes, but my time was 30:45. The entire 1st half was on a continual incline, but we finished! All three of us! I was sore  the next day and I am never sore from running 3 miles.

Belly Circ: 36 1/2 inches
Weight Gain: 21 lbs
Aversions: Nothing new-still grilled chicken- eeeek. Other aversions come and go depending on the hour.
Cervical length is still 3.5cm, the doctor actually said that my cervix was a "rock star". I have to say, I am proud of my cervix. Of course, I joke with the doctor and tell him it is all that CrossFit. LOL

Baby A: HR 145; 1 lb 3 oz ( 19 oz)
Baby B: HR 139; 1 lb 5 oz (21 oz)

Baby A's face with Baby's B foot in his face- love.

Bible Study girls eating at Zoe's

Happy Mother's Day to the most amazing mother! Thank you for your lifelong sacrifice to Nancy and I. You taught us to never give up, determination, where there's a will there's a way, and innumerable life lessons that were once so annoying and now priceless. You sacrificed personal pleasure so that we could be in piano, swimming, and gymnastics. You often went without so that we could have. You gave up your days and nights, homeschooling us for well over a decade. You told us the sky was the limit and you gave us the strength to test fly. The list is limitless! Most importantly you laid our foundation in Christ, the only solid Rock! I'm eternally grateful. I'm so excited for this new journey into motherhood with you by my side, helping me pass down your knowledge and wisdom! I love you mom!!!!


I thought this one was funny. It was so bright and my husband is always telling me that I don't understand because I have brown eyes. I guess you blue-eyes peeps can relate. Just more evidence that brown is superior. ;-)

Mother's Day was so amazing this year. No sad tears were shed, only happy tears. I have blogged about my past Mother's Days, which have been very painful. Now knowing the pain, the joy is that much sweeter.


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