Saturday, November 21, 2015


SO...... Our transfer was November 4th and I started taking pregnancy tests the following Thursday.  I started testing with the twins 6 days out from a 5 day transfer and got a positive that first test. This time I waited until 8 days out from a 5 day transfer(I tell this part because people going through infertility WANT to know those things!). I could have sworn I was seeing double, so after wiping my eyes, holding the stick in various lights, and giving my best was confirmed......there were two lines!!!! That second line was OH so faint, but it was there!!!!!! I was COMPLETELY shocked that it turned positive! Disbelief really. I really thought how in the world could I get pregnant again, especially after mixing up my medications so many different times. The bottom line is....GOD is in control of life!! I did my VERY best and ultimately He decides!!! I mean, people get pregnant on heroine for peats sake! I also tried to make myself believe it wouldn't work so I wouldn't get my hopes up too far from reality!

I took a test every day leading up to my blood test and it only got more positive each time!!! YAY!!! My HcG was 92.5 and at this same exact time with the twins it was 161!! So perfectly on track!!! One week later with the twins to was well over 3700!!!!! Obviously, this one won't be as high because it is only one!!! splits!! I can dream can't I?!!?!

We know it is VERY early, but we want to be EXCITED that we are pregnant today!!! I am SO happy that I can even get pregnant again!! That in of itself is such a blessing!!! We hope to meet Lasty next July, if that is God's will for his(yes I think it is a boy) life! Today, we are 5 weeks and 1 day!!!

I will go back Monday for another blood test and then the following week for the ultrasound!!!! I can't believe I get to have another ultrasound!!!! WOO HOO!!!!! Thank you for all your prayers and support!!!

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