Monday, August 12, 2013

We Have Names....Finally!

Baby B has tolerated his time off CPAP and will no longer need it unless something took an unexpected turn. He did not tolerate being on room air only and was placed on high flow nasal cannula. Overall, he is doing well. His hGb increased to 9 and he is now purchased a very expensive tanning package, sporty shades and all. He currently weighs 

Baby A was not ready to come off CPAP yesterday with his brother, but today he has tolerated it well. He is on high flow nasal cannula. He has also purchased a pricey tanning package. 

And he is sporting his birth mark which helps his momma always know he was Baby A! 

Their respiratory rates are still a little high, but they are progressing every day. B's jaundice has improved and will be coming off UV tomorrow. A's worsened slightly and he will stay on a little longer. He has had less breast milk due to toleeance, so hasn't flushed the bilirubin out as quickly. I will likely be able to start breastfeeding baby B tomorrow and I'm beyond excited.

I can usually handle a crying baby, until that crying baby can't be swaddled or held! :-(. But we are very grateful because ours will be going home soon! 

I'm still trying I wrap my head and emotions around the fact that they are mine and we will be taking them home and that I am actually a mother. I know it has not sunk in all the way yet. We still can't believe we have, not one, but two babies. I just love having two! When I walk into their adjoining room I don't even know where to begin. Everything x 2! 

We officially named them tonight. We have had the names picked out for a bit now, but since we couldn't see their faces we couldn't decide who was who. Earlier today I told Rocky to make the final decision and whatever he decided would be great! 

Meet Harrington Winston Heinrich/Baby A:

Meet Hewitt Winston Heinrich/Baby B

Rocky and I with Hewitt!

My sister, mom, and I with Harrigton on my sister's birthday! 

Day 1: Hewitt on his way to the NICU.

Day 1: Harrigton, shortly after birth

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